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Cookies policy

In line with European legislation, WP Management wants to ensure that every user of the website understands what cookies are and why they are used, so that they can consciously decide whether to accept their use or not. A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification number that is transferred from the website to your computer’s hard drive through an anonymous code capable of identifying the computer but not the user and passively monitoring activities on the site.

  • Strictly necessary cookies
  • Performance cookies
  • Functional cookies
  • Profiling cookies

The  website only uses the first category of cookies, for which no consent is required

1.  Strictly necessary cookies : These cookies are essential in order to allow navigation of the website and the use of its features, such as access to some protected areas. Without these cookies, some requested functions such as logging in to the site or creating an online shopping cart could not be provided.

2.  Analytical cookies : These cookies collect information about how users use the website, for example which pages are visited most often, and whether users receive error messages from these pages. These cookies do not collect information that identifies a specific visitor. All information collected by these cookies is aggregated and therefore anonymous. They are used solely to improve the functioning of the website.

These cookies can be compared to “technical cookies” when alternatively (i) they are used directly by the site administrator to collect information in aggregate form or (ii) they are managed by third parties and specific means are used to reduce the capacity of cookies to identify users (for example, by hiding a significant part of the IP address) and where the third party uses them exclusively for the provision of the service. For example, they store cookie data separately without cross-referencing or enriching it with other available personal data.

3.  Functional cookies : These cookies allow the website to remember choices that the user has made (such as your username, your language or the geographical area where you live) in order to optimize and provide more advanced features. These cookies can also be used to provide features you have requested, such as viewing a video or commenting on a blog. This information collected by cookies may be anonymous and should not track the user’s browsing and activities on other websites.

These cookies can also be defined as technical cookies.

The cookies mentioned above are defined as persistent and their duration is established by the server at the time of their creation.

 Manage cookie preferences

Some of the cookies used on our sites are set by us, while others are set by third parties who provide services on our behalf.

 Third party cookies

Some third-party cookies are set by services contained on our pages. They are managed by the operators of that service and are not under our control. We invite the user to check the privacy policy and instructions on how to delete cookies set by these services at the links listed in the following sections. Third parties have full responsibility for third-party cookies.

This site use Google Maps
for more information visit this page

Disabling cookies

Cookies are connected to the browser used and CAN BE DISABLED DIRECTLY FROM THE BROWSER, thus refusing/revoking consent to the use of cookies. It should be kept in mind that disabling cookies could prevent the correct use of some functions of the site itself.